Tuesday, March 10

Wedding Stories: From the Heart

I’ll never forget that moment. I had just given the microphone to the Father of the Bride. As he held the mic in one hand he fetched his notes on a sheet of paper with the other. As he held onto both I could see his hands trembling. Nerves had won over in this moment.

He looked at his notes, then the guests. The he did something I’ve never seen at a wedding before.

He put the hand holding his notes to his side, turned and looked right at his daughter, the bride, and spoke from his heart.

“Kelly, he said, “you have been a joy since the day you were born!” He then went on to recount many of her child hood memories, then concluded by saying “You never gave your mother and I any cause for concern. You’ve always made good decisions – and today you made another one by marrying the guy right next to you. Bryan, you don’t know how much pleasure it gives me to say Welcome to the family!”

You could have heard ice melting in the room.

These are the moments you that make a wedding day. I’ll be honest. No one will remember your invitations, the color of your flowers or even the food (unless it is really bad) but the moments will be remembered.

I can help create those moments – and I can help enhance them with music. What do you want your moments to be?

Until next time,

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